
for the Paul Buttemer Scholarship Fund

Various bassoonists and friends contribute to the Paul Buttemer Scholarship Fund.  Jim Ewen donates proceeds from the sale of reeds during BVBD to the fund.  Some provide partial or full scholarships each year to a bassoonist who would not otherwise be able to attend BVBD.

One very easy way for anyone to help is to donate directly to the fund.  The Donate Now button in our site footer goes directly to Paypal and the entire amount goes to the fund.

Then again, wouldn’t it be nice to also carry your bassoon pride year round – literally a bassoon on your arm – with a BVBD sweatshirt.  Use the handy form to send Jo Ann a quick note to reserve your size before arriving in person, or take your chances and buy one when you get there.

Would you like to provide a testimonial about your experience? Perhaps why you proudly support or benefit from the Paul Buttemer Scholarship Fund? Send Jo Ann or Richard an email, and with your permission, we’ll include it on this site.

Your Name goes here!

Your title, or similar, goes here

Pre-Order a Sweatshirt


Pre-Order Form (include Size)